Thursday, 9 July 2015

Magento: Default admin url

  • http://localhost/index.php/admin

What is the Magento Admin Url?

The Magento Admin Url can be different for every installation, but we’ll get you logged into the admin area quickly. The admin url is a field that is defined when Magento is first installed. The default url is just “admin”, but go ahead and append the following urls onto your domain name. We should be able to find the Magento Admin Login quick.
  • /index.php/admin
  • /index.php/administrator
If I were running Magento on this domain I would have tried If that didn’t work for you, then you have a customized url. Customized urls are more secure and it’s advised that you use them.
Here’s how to find your Magento Admin Url:
1. Log in to your hosting system
You will want to log into the file system on your server or hosting plan. Unfortunately, I cannot give you the instructions on how to do that, because it’s different for every hosting provider.
If you need assistance locating your administrative url you can always hire us, Magento Support Packages.
2. Locate your WEBROOT
Once you’re able to view the files on your server, you’ll want to navigate to the WEBROOT. The WEBROOT is the directory that holds all of your Magento files. In my case, after I log into my server, the webroot is located in /public_html.
3. Navigate to the local.xml file
Now that you see your Magento installation files you can navigate to the local.xml file which holds all of your sensitive data. The file path to your local.xml is as follows:
This is the file path to your local.xml file
This is the file path to your local.xml file
4. Open the local.xml file and grab your magento admin url
Once you have the file open, around line 61 you will see a tag called frontName. Within this tag will be the variable that we need to create your administrative url. You can see in the picture below that my magento admin url is still set to the default value admin. Copy your admin variable from this file, we’ll need it in the next step.
Locating the Magento Admin Url
Locating the Magento Admin Url
5. Create your admin url
We’re basically going to repeat the first step that I asked you to try. Go ahead and append your variable onto the end of your domain like this:
You should now see that Magento Admin Login page. If you had any problems along the way, or didn’t understand any of the steps, we’re only a phone call away.

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